среда, 21 декабря 2011 г.

Buckingham Palace, in London, is the principal residence and office of the British monarch.Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focus for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis.

Grand Canyon

вторник, 20 декабря 2011 г.

If I had a chance to visit America I would go to the Grand Canyon.
The Grand Canyon is a famous canyon in Arizona, formed by the Colorado River. It is a national park of the United States.
The Grand Canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29 km) wide and is over a mile (1.83 km) (6000 feet) deep in places. Nearly two billion years of the Earth's geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted.
Many people come from around the world to visit the Grand Canyon. People can also take trips floating on the Colorado River in boats and rafts. Some people like to hike in the Grand Canyon. Some people also ride mules into the Grand Canyon. Most people who visit the Grand Canyon drive in cars to the South Rim and just look at the canyon from the rim and take pictures.

   If I had a chance of travelling to Australia, first of all I would go to Uluru. Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory, central Australia. It lies 335 km (208 mi) south west of the nearest large town, Alice Springs; 450 km (280 mi) by road. Kata Tjuta and Uluru are the two major features of the Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park. Uluru is sacred to the Aṉangu, the Aboriginal people of the area. The area around the formation is home to a plethora of springs, waterholes, rock caves and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a World Heritage Site.

  If I had a chance of travelling to America first of all I would go to Mount Rushmore. Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore near Keystone, South Dakota, in the United States. Sculpted by Danish-American Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln Borglum, Mount Rushmore features 60-foot (18 m) sculptures of the heads of former United states presidents (in order from left to right) George WashingtonThomas JeffersonTheodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. The entire memorial covers 1,278.45 acres (5.17 km2) and is 5,725 feet (1,745 m) above sea level.


Visit England

      If I had a chance of travelling to Great Britain first of all I would go to London to see Hyde Park. Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in London and it is one of the Royal Parks in London. So it is very beautiful place and I want to admire the picturesque view of this Park.

London Eye

The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames, in London, England. The entire structure is 135 metres (443 ft) tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120 metres (394 ft).

London Zoo

London Zoo is a favorite among animal lovers throughout the world. As one of the largest and oldest zoos in the world, the London Zoo sees thousands of visitors each year. The London Zoo is home to over 600 different animal species, many of which are quite rare. A popular choice for families in particular, a trip to the London Zoo UK is an excellent way to spend a day in London. The London Zoo UK is located at the northern end of Regent"s Park, near Camden in England.


If I had a chance of traveling in England,first of all I would visit London,the capital of England. Firstly I would visit the symbol of London - Big Ben. Then I would visit famous Wembley Stadium. It is one of the largest stadium in the world

221B Baker Street

221B Baker Street is the London address of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, created by author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In the United Kingdom, postal addresses with a number followed by a letter may indicate a separate address within a larger, often residential building. Baker Street in Holmes' time was a high-class residential district, and Holmes' apartment was probably part of a Georgian terrace.


If I had a chance to visit America I would go to Las Vegas to see Stratosphere Las Vegas .Stratosphere Las Vegas is a tower, hotel, and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.The casino looks roomier, cleaner and well lit. The Stratosphere hotel offers 2,427 rooms, mostly in the Premiere Tower.


If I had a chance of traveling in England,first of all I would visit London,the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures.

Travelling in Great Britain

If I had a chance to visit Great Britain I would go to see Hadrians Wall. It was built in 122 AD by the order of the Roman ruler Hadrian to defend the Northern border of Roman britain from the Scotish tribes. The wall stretchedfor 117 km across the country from the North Sea to the Irish Sea. It was about3 m thick and 4 m high. Now it is the greatest monument to the power of the Roman Empire.


Прогулка по Фьордам

понедельник, 19 декабря 2011 г.

If had a chance to visit Norway,I would go to the fjords.It is one of the most wonderful place on the earth.

Fjords are cuts into the mountains by the time.And one of the oldest Norwegian city ALTA.

Прогулка по Фьордам
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Создано 19 дек · Автор:  · Обновлено 44 мин. назад
Метка 1
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9519, Норвегия


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Метка 6

Пункт назначения: Kölitie/Kölvägen (на автомобиле)
Кому: Альта, Норвегия
Пункт назначения: 70° 12′ 0″ N, 23° 6′ 0″ E (на автомобиле)
Пункт назначения: Альта, Норвегия (на автомобиле)
Кому: 70° 12′ 0″ N, 23° 6′ 0″ E

Altafjord (NorwegianAltafjorden) is a fjord in the municipality Alta in Finnmarkcounty, Norway, and is about 38 kilometres long.[1] In the inner southern part of the fjord, near the town of Alta, is the outlet of the 200 kilometre long river Altaelva.[2] At the outer part of the fjord are the islands Stjernøya and Seiland. It was historically known as "Altenfjord", and was referred to as such by British historians throughout most of the 20th century.

Visit England

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If I had a chance to travel to England, first of all I would go to London. It's a capital of England. After that I would go to Cambridge and Oxford. These two cities are famous for teir Univercities.Then I would go to Bristol. I think it is very interesting city. After Bristol I would go to Manchester. It is famous for its footballteam. After Manchester I would go to Liverpool. It is very beautiful city and there the misic group "Beatles" was founded. After Liverpool I would go to Glasgow and Edinburgh. But these two cities are in Scotland.

Stonehenge is made up of large blocks(each is 4 metres hight) that form a circle of 33 metres in diametr. Stonehendge was built around 2200BC. Scientists say that it was a tribal gathering place for religious ceremonies. It's famous megalithic monument in Europe.

London. Big-Ben



Здороваемся и прощаемся по-английски.

Нет ничего проще, чем сказать “здравствуй” и “до свидания” по-английски: Hello и Goodbye. Но не все так легко на самом деле. Прежде всего, существует множество вариантов приветствия на английском языке в неформальной ситуации. Я приведу те варианты приветствия, которые можно услышать и в Англии, и в США. Вот они: “Hello”, “Hi”, “Hello there”, “Hi there”, “Hey, how are you doing?”, “What’s up?”, “How’s it going?”, “Wow, it’s good to see you”. Часто вы услышите так называемое “двойное приветствие”, например: “Hi there, hey how are you doing?”, “Hello, how have you been?”, “It’s good to see you, how’s life been treating you?”. При первой встрече, когда вас представляют другому человеку, можно сказать: “Good to meet you”, “It’s nice to meet you”, “It’s a pleasure to meet you”. Если вы долго не видели знакомого или друга, то при встрече можете услышать: “Oh my God, its you!”; “Aahh, where have you been?”; “My goodness, long time no speak”; “Wow, it’s so good to see you again!”; “Is it really you? Where did we last meet?”; “Wow, as I live and breathe, it’s my best friend from school”. Естественно, что это фразы на английском языке говорим с интонацией удивления, иногда это выглядит наигранно :) Встреча со знакомым часто предполагает короткий разговор о жизни, но мы часто спешим и на беседу просто нет времени. В этом случае можно сказать: “Hi, sorry I can’t stop”; “Oh hi there, look I’m a bit pushed for time. Here’s my mobile phone number. Give me a call sometime”; “Hello there. I’m on my way to work. Maybe catch you with again soon”; “Hey, I would love to stop and chart, but I really have to dash”. В некоторых ситуациях слово “hello” может менять смысловую нагрузку и становится средством выражения удивления или интереса: “Hello, what’s going on here?”, “Hello, I did not know he had a girlfriend”. В Великобритании частью приветствия часто будет разговор о погоде: “Hello, isn’t it a lovely day?”, “Hello, what about this terrible weather?”, “Hello, did you hear the storm last night?”. Во многих странах мира, в том числе в Великобритании и США, частью приветствия будет вопрос о семье: “Hello, how’s the family?”, “Hello, how’s your wife doing?”, “Hello, how are the kids?”. Слово “hello” может употребляться в ситуациях сарказма или обиды, это уже совсем не приветствие :) : “Hello, did you understand what I said?”, “Hello, was that too difficult for you to read?”, “Hello, do you not recognise me?”, “Hello, what time do you call this? You are late!!!”. Переходим к прощанию: “Bye”, “Bye-bye”, “See you”, “So long”, “Ciao”, “Later”, “Cheerio”, “See you around”, “Farewell”, “Ta-ra”, “See you again”, “Ta-ta for now”, “Catch you later”, “Goodbye”. Слово “ta-ta” используется для прощания в некоторых частях Великобритании и считается дружеской и забавной. Надеюсь, информация пригодится. Cheerio! http://nikitindima.name

Измерения в Англии

Часто туристам в Великобритании портят жизнь многие вещи: неожиданные розетки ( и не русские, и не европейские) :) , непонятные определения размеров обуви, незнакомые меры объема бензина на заправках и так далее. В этой записи я приведу расшифровку (да, общеизвестную, но полезную) английских мер длины. Итак, чтобы перевести дюймы (inches) в сантиметры умножьте дюймы на 2,54. Для перевода сантиметров в дюймы умножаем на 0,39. Чтобы перевести футы (feet) в метры, надо умножить футы на 0,3. Для перевода метров в футы - умножить на 3,28. Ярды в метры переводим умножением на 0,91, а метры в ярды умножением на 1,09. Для перерасчёта миль в километры надо умножить мили на 1,61, а если наоборот, то умножить на 0,62. И вот еще немного справочной информации. 1 cm = 0.3937 inches 1 m = 1.0936 yards 1 km = 0.6214 miles 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 yard = 36 inches = 0.9144 m. 1 mile = 1760 yards = 1.6093 km. 1 sq in. = 6.4516 sq cm 1 sq ft = 929.03 sq cm 1 sq yd = 0.836 sq metres http://nikitindima.name